Improve Your Computer Security in Honor of World Password Day

HomeBlogImprove Your Computer Security in Honor of World Password Day

Bolstering your business’ computer security can be done just by strengthening the passwords you use. In honor of World Password Day, we want you to take a closer look at the passwords you use and consider making some updates to ensure the security of your data and your peace of mind.

Improve Your Computer Security in Honor of World Password Day

Here are some of our top tips for improving your computer security with stronger passwords:

  • Recycling is a great way to reduce waste and be more environmentally conscious. However, recycling isn’t a good approach for your passwords. Always create a unique, strong password when you make a new online account.
  • While you’ve probably heard the phrase “sharing is caring,” this doesn’t apply to your passwords. Never share your passwords with anyone—always keep them to yourself.
  • Make your passwords stronger than an oak tree! Oak trees have strong trunks and deep roots that can withstand nature’s fury. Similarly, your passwords should be resilient enough to handle challenges to your computer security.
  • Remember that easy-to-guess passwords like TEMP123 aren’t good passwords. Hackers are becoming smarter every day, and simple passwords will make it too easy for them to access your information.
  • Make your passwords stronger than your coffee! Coffee is a great way to get a quick energy boost, but when it comes to computer security, your passwords should be stronger than what you drink in the morning.

Do you need help creating unique and complex passwords that protect your information online? Contact us today!